Astrological Predictions 2013-14

Let’s take a look at my predictions for 2012-13 and see what actually happened: Here’s what I predicted: -More uprisings and riots. There were riots in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Israel, Greece and Spain. -An escalation of natural disasters. There was an avalanche in Afghanistan, epic fires in Colorado, and a 7.7 earthquake off the east coast of British Columbia, Canada causing a tsunami in Hawaii. -Water issues worldwide. We saw widespread flooding in Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Romania, North Korea, Nigeria, the UK, Spain, a typhoon in the Philippines and Hurricane Sandy. -Rising unemployment into double digits in many countries. Spain and Greece are over 25% and an average of 11% in the 27 EU member states. US is reported at 8% but probably closer to 12%. -Governments taking more control over our privacy. On November 20th, the Senate rewrote a bill which now allows the feds to read private emails without a warrant. This law increases government access to emails and other digital files. This rewrite was done quietly and secretly. It now allows more than 22 agencies to access Americans’ email, Google Docs files, Facebook wall posts, and Twitter direct messages without a search warrant. It also gives the FBI and Homeland Security more authority to gain full access to Internet accounts without notifying either the owner or a judge. I am expecting sneaky controls over our freedoms and our privacy to encroach on us gradually and without our being aware of it until it’s too late. -More QE. i.e. money printing. In September of 2012, the US embarked on QE3, another huge round of borrowing and money printing. -Pension plans going bankrupt. E.g. The US Postal Service is broke and cannot pay into their pension fund, teachers retirement funds have gone broke, public pensions in many countries are underfunded and in danger of going under. -More focus on banks and financial institutions, a tightening of their regulations, more bailouts, more greed and more fraudulent activities. And that’s exactly what’s happened. -Growth of new technology, mobile phones and social networking. Apple launched its IPhone 5 in September, Smartphones, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr and Pinterest have all seen accelerated growth. There were advances in Iphones, android phones and an upsurge in the use of mobile apps. -A rise in anti- immigration laws and regulations. Since 2010, when Arizona introduced draconian immigration laws, 35 other states have tried to introduce similar rulings. -Price of gold and silver continuing to rise. Whilst precious metals didn’t perform as well as I expected, they have still risen nearly 5% this year and it is only a matter of time before gold reaches over $3000 an ounce and silver is at $100 an ounce. 2013-2014 – Important Astrological Aspects -There is a great deal of Water activity with Saturn in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter going into Cancer on June 25th making a Grand Trine in Water. -All three Mercury retrograde periods are in Water signs. -Intense Cardinal activity happening building up to the Grand Cross in December, one of the most powerful astrological aspects with Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, Jupiter in Cancer and Mars in Libra. The ongoing square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn is very much in force during 2013. Remember that Uranus rules uranium and Pluto rules plutonium so there is a likelihood of increased nuclear instability and nuclear accidents. This is going to be accentuated when Jupiter goes into Cancer at the end of June 2013 as Jupiter always increases and amplifies everything, so you can expect even stronger dissonance with respect to the economy, politics, weather changes especially earthquakes and volcanoes. The USA has Jupiter and Sun conjunct in Cancer (July 4th, 1776), so the second half of 2013 and the first half of 2014 is its Jupiter return. Expect to see issues around Homeland security, the safety of US citizens, and a search for belonging and security in general. The positive and negative issues will be highly polarised. It will be a year of opposites: war and peace, moving forwards and moving backwards, safety and vulnerability, balancing business and personal, home and work, emotional ups and downs, periods when a great deal is happening and periods that seem as though nothing is happening, holding onto the past and yet striving towards the future. The Cardinal signs signify that we need to be responsible for our own destiny and not rely on our governments to provide stability and security for our future. Let’s not forget the powerful Grand Trine in Water with Jupiter in Cancer, Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio. This is particularly strong during July 2013 but lasts energetically until mid-2014. This will bring increased confidence especially by lawmakers and governments in our economic and political systems. There could even be an upswing in the economy and the US dollar could go up in value. If it does happen, it will probably be short-lived and by the middle of 2014 if there has been an improvement in the economy, it is likely to be followed by a sharp drop a year or so later. Neptune in Pisces for the next 14 years indicates more flooding, tsunamis and excess water especially in coastal areas. There could also be issues with water purity and contamination. On February 9th, Mars is conjunct to Neptune which could be very favourable. It could be an opportunity to achieve something you have been dreaming of. On 21st March, Mars goes into Aries and will be conjunct with Uranus. This is a combustible combination and could lead to explosions and sudden riots, upsets, surprises. It can also indicate war. On 21st July 2013, Mars conjuncts with Jupiter in Cancer which adds more power to the T-square with Uranus and Pluto. I expect this to bring more sudden changes with respect to governments, control issue, power, the economy, social issues. On December 7th, Mars goes into Libra which completes the Grand Cross with Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn and Jupiter in Cancer. This is extremely powerful and will be the beginning of even more vast changes. Mars usually stays in a sign for about 2 months, but this time it goes retrograde on March 1st 2014 and stays in Libra until July 26th 2014. So we can expect another 6 – 7 months of opposing energies where agreements are hard to find and where progress is restricted. This can be happening not only on the macro level, but also on the micro level in your own life. You may feel as though your life is not moving ahead, as if you are in a holding pattern and you don’t know what action to take. When you take action there may be little or no apparent results. Keep in mind that the earth is in the middle of all these opposing and squaring planets and you may find yourself trying to look forward and being pulled backwards, deciding to take a risk and then backing out of it, changing your mind frequently, your location, your job and your relationships. It will take a huge effort for you to break free of old, destructive habit patterns and to move into a new, more uncertain yet happier life. Old structures that are no longer working for you will be pulled down. You may feel lonely, isolated and abandoned, but try to remain strong and realise that the reason that this is happening is because subconsciously you wanted more for yourself in your life. The old relationships that were draining and not fulfilling, the job that you hated, the lack of purpose and direction you felt in your life-.all this had to change for you to be happy and feeling as though you were fulfilling your destiny on the planet. You will have the opportunity to move to a higher vibration, but to do that you will have to let go of the old and to be ready to move into the unknown and to have faith in the new. It will be a particularly powerful time for the Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn (and this will apply if it is your Sun, Moon or ascendant sign), and also for all the water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Summary of Predictions for 2013-2014: -Worsening global economic crisis with more demonstrations and civil unrest -Youth protesters will turn violent even though we have had mainly peaceful protests so far -Higher unemployment -Stock market earnings slide lower -Multiple investigations of banking corruption and fraud -Rising oil and food costs -More failures of large insurance companies -Extreme weather patterns from very hot to very cold -Gold and silver to be very volatile with even more price manipulation, sometimes going lower and then much higher -More power outages and for longer -Survival kits will become a necessity -Alternative power sources will become more mainstream – more use of green technologies: solar power plants, rooftop solar panels, wind farms, geothermal uses, hydrogen power plants -Greater paranormal activity – more reporting of visitations from other beings -Space exploration increasing and the uncovering of greater knowledge -More people power using Twitter, Facebook and other social media concerning customer service. For the first time ever the consumer will have the power when rating a restaurant, hotel, airline, computer, products and services in general -Increase in military threats especially in the Middle East and this could be very explosive towards the end of 2013 when Mars is square to Uranus -Despite the crisis, some industries will grow. E.g. certain medical areas such as: regenerative medicine growing new bones, cartilage etc. -Growth in certain food industries, catering, food technology -New types of restaurants and food outlets -Greater knowledge and research placed on nutrition and diet -Healing and health products become more prominent -Focus on locally grown food and its preservation -Advances in water purification techniques -Energy efficient housing construction market growing e.g. passive houses -Security businesses could see massive growth – physical and/or virtual -Breakthroughs in oceanography and our understanding of the sea -3D printing become more accessible and getting closer to becoming mainstream -Traditional newspapers becoming obsolete – new forms of media where we the people are the reporters, not the controlling few who sift the news and keep us uninformed I am anticipating that overall economically, times will get worse over the next few years. Some economists are forecasting an upswing in the economy from the middle of 2013. And indeed with the grand water trine and Jupiter in Cancer, this is possible for a brief time. However, we should not be misled into thinking that the crisis is behind us and that we can confidently invest with security. With Uranus strongly featuring for the next 6 years, we will have to learn to expect the unexpected. I didn’t expect gold and silver to drop as sharply as they have done over the last few weeks. However, markets never go up in a straight line. If they did, everyone would be able to make a fortune. I am anticipating greater volatility and uncertainty in the markets with wider swings from high to low than ever before. If you are a good trader during these times, you could make a fortune. However, you could also lose a fortune. But the opportunities will be there. The key through all this hardship is going to be compassion and love with people coming together and helping one another through the changes. We can choose to make this a pleasurable and joyful time or we can make it even more difficult for ourselves. The choice is ours. I vote for helping one another, looking out for different ways of doing things, thinking outside the box, sharing our knowledge and expertise, working together and creating a new, exciting and better future for us all.

The Failure Of Unions And Big Government

Unions cripple companies. They thwart efficient government. They drive up prices and drive down service levels. They are anti-technology, anti-productivity, and pro-wage growth. They live in a virtual reality where price points, product-market pressures, and capital returns dont matter. They need to be abolished.

A truism in the global economy is that the country with the highest rate of unionization loses. No sane person is going to invest capital, take risks and innovate if they are handing out money to union members who cant be fired, disciplined, or force to use profit enhancing technologies. Companies that are nimble, highly productive and innovative will produce enough wealth to pay people properly. There is no need in the modern era for unions. There is no need in the modern era for large unionized government either.

Put it this way. Employment rates, wealth per capita, productivity and innovation are directly and negatively correlated with the size of government and the % of the population which work in unions. Europe? 45-50% of Europes GDP is eaten by unionized government. European union rates run at 3 x US levels and are 10-20% higher than Canadian levels. The result? Lower living standards, less people working, dead economies, no productivity, 8 week vacation periods and ever escalating union backed demands for higher wages.

Worse the OECD concludes that practically all [97 percent] of European civilian job creation has been in the government sector in the past few years. As government size increases, including government backed monopolies and oligopolies, unionization grows, and hours worked fall. Unions are adept at demanding the highest dollar for the least amount of time worked. As worker costs escalate firms cut back on technology, plant investments and business process improvements. Eventually these firms might fail.

According to the OECD, Research has clearly established a remarkable fact: namely that the sizable U.S. advantage in real GDP per capita is largely due to differences in total hours worked per capita.

Such commonsensical observations apply to Canada. Union rates in Canada are more than double US rates [32 % vs. 14 %], though lower than in Western Europe which ranges from 34%, to 45 %. Canada has a 30% lower standard of living, less productivity and less income per head than the US. High union rates and over-government are key reasons for this differential. The same can be said of EU-US comparisons.

One reason for Europes and Canadas high union rate is their higher marginal tax rates. When taxes become too onerous people respond by trying to hide money; dropping out of work and going on welfare to access rich welfare schemes; or they unionize and demand that wages rise faster than inflation and taxation increases. US Federal Reserve and EU economic studies confirm this fact. Europeans are not prone to be lazy. But when the system punishes work, then they respond accordingly. Same applies to Canada.

You can see the destructive power of unions at work at the company level. Witness Chrysler a once proud emblem of American manufacturing genius. Now it is a hollowed out firm headed for bankruptcy. In both the US and Canada during the past 30 years literally billions of tax dollars were given to Chrysler in direct and indirect hand-outs. Yet the firm is heading towards oblivion and most likely will have its various assets sold off. It is not hard to see why.

Thanks to high union rates, over half of a Chrysler cars production cost is labor and health care. The firm is simply uncompetitive. Thanks to its unions, new models, new ideas and new business improvements cannot be made at Chrysler and productivity and profit enhancing concepts cannot be employed. The firm cannot respond to the challenge of East Asian auto manufacturers, many of whom have union free plants in the southern US.

The fallout from the demise of Chrysler is quite huge. If no one buys the assets and turns the firm around it might either die, or be sold off in chunks with grave consequences. Now imagine if all of the large North American car firms, thanks to unions, were to go bankrupt.

Whole areas of the world are dependent on the auto industry. Detroit, southern Canada, the US deep south, Stuttgart, parts of Germany, France and elsewhere have entire economies and societies built around the extended supply and parts chain which feeds into the auto sector. Those with union-free plants will survive. Those with union-worker elite plants will either reform or perish. Close to one million jobs in the Detroit-Toronto corridor are dependent on the auto sector almost all of them in union shops or feeding union controlled companies. Consider if all 3 big US firms claimed bankruptcy. The economic and social consequences would be vast.

But so would be more government interference and subsidies for failed union shops. The last thing we need is more government support of failed businesses like Chrysler, Ford or GM. For too long have unions in auto firms created an unaccountable working elite. It is time to destroy the unions and let the market set wages, prices and product-customer matches.

The auto industry is indicative of the Marxist fantasy world inhabited by unions. Big governments with their unionized worker elite amplify the failures of Chrysler or GM. Toyota and smaller government nations exemplify the utility of market dynamics. Kill off the unions and increase company and national wealth. The time of unionized Marxism is long over. Chrysler and big government incompetence are the obvious manifestations of that fact.

Buying a Home with a Well What Your Real Estate Agent Should Know

Thinking of buying a home with a well? While you might be used to city water, 44% of households in the US are dependent on well water, with about 13% of them privately owned and operated, according to the National Ground Water Association. While wells can be a very reliable source of drinking water reliable source of drinking water, there is a learning curve about well ownership. Your real estate agent can be a valuable resource in this area as they will be able to get the documentation that confirms that the well conforms to all state and local ordinances and that it has been properly maintained. Without doing the proper due diligence, you might be positioned to quite literally throw your money into a hole in the ground.

What to Expect from the Seller

In many states, home sellers must pay for water tests and disclose the results to potential buyers. Smart owners will have an inspection done prior to putting the home on the market and use the results as a selling point. Where the law does not require inspections and testing, savvy buyers request a well inspection and water test as a contingency on offers to buy a property, as a well inspection is not included in the standard home inspection and requires a specialist. If the results do not prove favorable, you can cancel the sale or request the seller make things right.

In the absence of an inspection prior to sale, you can find yourself with a costly problem.

What to Look for when Buying a Home with a Well

As a buyer, there are several things to consider when examining property that has a well.

First of all, how does the water taste and look? If minerals or bacteria have leached into the water, you should notice that the taste and appearance of the water are off. This is a sign that you need the well inspected and the water tested for contaminants.

Water problems are often dominant in an area. You can often find information about local water problems on the EPA website as well as from local testing companies. If there is a factory, an agricultural operation, or a coal mine near the property you are viewing, a lab might test for specific chemicals such as sulfide, nitrate, iron, chloride, or other chemicals related to the industry.

Well owners should have maintenance records available to verify how old the well is, whether there are other old wells on the property, compliance with local codes, and past testing results. Seeing the past records will indicate how much time you have before you might need to replace the well, and alert you to other problems related to it.

Since wells have an average life expectancy of 20-plus years, the home should be set on two or three acres of property to assure that you have enough acreage to have another well drilled in the future.

The current well should be properly located on the property so that it is at least 100 feet away from backyard chicken or poultry coups and the nearest edge of the septic drainfield, and 50 feet away from the house and any pesticide applications. The wellhead should also be positioned so that rain water flows away from it.

Get Help to Determine the Condition of the Well

With the help of your real estate agent and well and water professionals, you should get a good idea of what to expect if you buy a specific property with a well. Many water quality issues can be handled with testing and installation of water treatment equipment, but some well problems require more extensive, costly repairs that might make buying a home with a well impractical.

How to Start Your Overseas Real Estate Portfolio

Real estate is a tried and tested asset class and the majority of people agree that as a long term investment commodity there is nothing really to beat it for consistently returning strong growth and increasing yieldshowever, when a country’s housing market goes temporarily cold as real estate prices move outside of the affordability gap, real estate investors often look overseas for the development of their property based portfolio.

Currently the real estate markets in countries such as the UK and US are slow and the ability to profit from property locally is reduced – therefore more people than ever are thinking about moving their focus abroad and starting an overseas real estate portfolio to enable them to build a passive income for life.

If you would like to learn more about building a passive income for life from investing in overseas real estate here are the main five considerations to bear in mind to maximize profit, reduce risk, increase yields and capitalize on opportunities as they present themselves but before we begin it is always prudent to mention that the value of any investment can always go down as well as up, and that investment decisions should be taken carefully and be made with the assistance of qualified and experienced advisors.

Tip One – Real estate markets around the world emerge, boom, go bust and re-emerge all over again, but they do so at very different points in time as each market is heavily dependent on the current state of the economy in the given country. As we all know economies ebb and flow like the tide and there is no such thing as a guaranteed market where property prices will keep rising. However, there are countries in the world going through major economic change where the real estate market is emerging and where the long term forecast is for a period of prolonged growth. An investor who is not risk averse and who is planning an overseas real estate portfolio should try and identify which countries have a strengthening economy and an emerging real estate market.

Tip Two – Having found an emerging market an investor needs to determine the key factor that makes an investment into real estate in the given country a good decision. I.e., if a country’s property market is simply booming because of hype and an investor can see nothing to support the long term success of the market then they should walk away. If an investor can see massive room for growth but an interfering government who may attempt to restrict property investors from taking their profits then an investor has to decide whether or not they can still make enough profit from real estate to make any investment worthwhile.

Tip Three – Having determined that there is potential within a given market an investor needs to learn how to harness the power of other people’s money! As real estate is an expensive and slow to liquidise commodity it is unwise to pay cash from personal funds for an investment property, rather it’s wise to raise finance at a low interest rate from a secure financial institution. An investor should look into whether an international mortgage or a local mortgage is possible and affordable when buying overseas real estate.

Rodney Sparrow Real Estate

Around 1.five billion shares are traded on the New York stock industry just about every day.

Trading of shares will take place virtually every weekday, except distinctive holidays, with the NYSE opening at 9:30 in the early morning and closing at four p.m.

Currently, 1,366 members maintain seats in the NYSE that gives them the strength of direct trade in the exchange. These seats are considerably sought just after, as direct trade is not feasible on the NYSE without having it.

The cost for occupying these seats rose to the position of $3.25 million in 2005.

Till 1995, all transactions had been built on paper. An NYSE member named Michael Einersen introduced wireless HHC in September 1995 to make it easy for traders to execute automated auctions.

The New York stock sector or The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) originated in the direction of the conclude of 18th century, when 24 stockbrokers signed the Buttonwood Agreement in 1792. The goal of this agreement was to generate a location exactly where trading of firms could take place. As the NYSE expanded with time, its area had to be modified on a regular basis to accommodate the developing selection of

Some Facts about the New York Stock Market

Every person is familiar with the title of NYSE, as it enjoys the position of becoming the biggest stock sector not only in the US but in the full globe. Right here are some intriguing facts about the New York Stock Market place:

2700 member companies of the NYSE represent around three fourths of the complete marketplace capitalization of the US economic climate.

The recent industry appeal of the NYSE is 3 instances additional than the marketplace appeal of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE), which is its closest competitor in the Global Trade Market.

Around one.5 billion shares are traded on the New York stock current market each day.

Investing of shares will take position just about every single weekday, besides special holidays, with the NYSE opening at 9:thirty in the early morning and closing at four p.m.

At this time, one,366 members hold seats in the NYSE that provides them the ability of direct trade in the exchange. These seats are significantly sought immediately after, as immediate trade is not attainable on the NYSE with no it.

The cost for occupying these seats rose to the stage of $3.25 million in 2005.

Till 1995, all transactions were built on paper. An NYSE member named Michael Einersen released wireless HHC in September 1995 to allow traders to execute automated auctions.

The New York stock sector or The New York Stock Trade (NYSE) originated towards the conclusion of 18th century, when 24 stockbrokers signed the Buttonwood Agreement in 1792. The function of this agreement was to build a spot in which buying and selling of businesses could consider position. As the NYSE expanded with time, its place had to be adjusted frequently to accommodate the increasing number of traders.

Some Information about the New York Stock Current market

Every person is familiar with the identify of NYSE, as it enjoys the status of staying the largest stock marketplace not only in the US but in the whole planet. The following are some remarkable facts about the New York Stock Market:

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How a Foreign National Can Buy Real Estate in America

Opportunities for real estate investment for foreigners is wide
and varied in the United States. It doesn’t matter where you’re from and
what currency you’d be using to purchase a property, you have a
property waiting for you.

There are generally three kinds of real
estate investment available to foreigners. These investments include the
commercial estate investment and residential property investment.
Residential properties are further classified into single family
properties, apartments or condominiums and recreational properties.
Regardless of what kind of real estate you are interested in, there are
all sorts of tax ramifications, financing options and legal requirements
that you have to deal with.

Why Should You Invest in the U.S. Real Estate Market?

probably heard of the increasing number of foreign real estate
investments in the United States. This is not surprising. With the
troubles that the real estate investment market is facing in the United
States, greater opportunities in real estate investment were opened to
foreign investors.

With the dollar’s value in its all time low,
foreign investors are finding real estate bargains all over the United
States. There are no shortages of deals in this market. More and more
distressed properties are being sold everywhere and foreigners are
pouring in millions buying these foreclosed or distressed properties.
The United States real estate has become a fairly attractive long-term
investment for foreign investors.

In November of 2006, the
National Association of Realtors released a report entitled “Foreign
Investments in U.S Real Estate: Current Trends and Historical
Perspective”. The report showed that there has been a steady increase in
foreign real estate investment in the United States. This is especially
after the euro and the loonie became stronger in the face of the
continuous devaluation of the US dollar. Prime bargains were opened to
foreigners. Many foreigners have now looked into the possibility of
retiring or settling in the United States.

If you’re a foreigner,
you would find a lot of reasons why you should invest in the United
States real estate market. Aside from the fact that the floating
exchange rate has given you a lot of leverage over the bargaining table,
the financial market is a pretty good reason why you should invest in
the US real estate.

The financial market in the United States in
relation to the real estate market is quite liberal and the restrictions
against foreign investors are pretty reasonable. This is ideal for
foreign companies that are seeking to invest in the real estate market
in the United States in order to avoid tariff restrictions and are
considering setting up an office or a company in the United States.

despite the devaluation of the US dollar and the wide foreclosures of a
lot of property, the real estate market remains to be stable, though
slightly shaky, due to foreign investors’ capital appreciation. Domestic
real estate buyers may not necessarily share the same opinion, but the
market has remained to be strong for foreign real estate buyers. This
may be largely credited to the fact that there is minimal risk for them.

Why are Foreign Real Estate Investments Safe and Profitable?

are a lot of investments you can make, but the safest you can make
right now is investing your money in real properties. This is another
good reason aside from the fact that you can make a pretty nifty profit,
if you like, particularly now with the widespread property foreclosures
and seemingly continuous US dollar devaluation. This is especially true
if you are going to use the euro or the loonie when making your

But why is US real estate investment safe for foreigners?

is undeniable that stock investments are not a safe avenue at this
point. The recession has not only affected the US economy; the same
recession has greatly affected worldwide stock investments. Stocks
values are dropping. It is also a fact that even without the current
economic situation, stock values fluctuates.

On the other hand,
real estate investments are pretty stable if you would compare it to
stock investments – or even bond or mutual fund investments. With real
estate investment, you’d be putting your money in an investment that
would grow in value as years go by.

What are the Benefits of Foreign Real Estate Investment?

state government supports foreign investments and along this line has
formulated various tax breaks to encourage foreign investment on real
estate. Many of these tax breaks are not available in many countries. In
fact, most countries would frown at foreigners owning real properties
within their territory.

Foreign real estate investment in the
United States is open to everyone. As long as you can afford to buy the
property or at least comply with the mortgage requirements and
payments, you can secure for yourself a pretty good property in the
United States. Again, with the current economic situation of the United
States, this is the perfect chance for you to make an investment.

great benefit that you can take advantage of is the availability of
mortgage financing. Lenders have opened their doors to foreign investors
who are looking into purchasing a property. So, you don’t have to
actually deplete your bank account. You can actually secure a mortgage
loan and gradually pay it off.

I’m Canadian, What Are My Financing Options?

is a steady increasing rate of Canadian real estate investors in the
United States; and accordingly, the government has made certain that
they have attractive financing options available to them.

you’re Canadian – or if you’re a foreigner – you’d find a lot of reasons
why you should buy a piece of real property in the United States. For
Canadians, the parity of the currencies or the apparent devaluation of
the US dollar is a pretty good reason itself. But how do you finance
your purchase?

There are various financing options available to
you depending on which state you are in. In Arizona, for instance, you’d
get favorable financing terms if you are purchasing a property for
recreational purposes, that is, you do not derive any income or benefit
from your purchase or ownership. You will be required, however, to sign
up a disclosure agreement and give a 30% down payment for your loan. To
qualify though for a loan, you may be required to show availability of
liquid reserves for a period of three to six months. You may also be
required to present a minimum of 3-month bank statement.

If you
are purchasing a property for investment, you’d probably meet stricter
terms. Requirements may be more stringent. For instance, you could be
required to give a down payment of more than 30% and you may be required
to show one year worth of liquidity reserves.

Regardless of your reasons, if you feel like you can
fulfill the requirements of a financing loan, you can then proceed to
actually applying for a mortgage loan. Also, keeping yourself updated
with the financing terms flux may be a wise idea.

Understanding the Tax Ramifications of Real Estate Investment

first foreigner to have ever bought a real estate property in the
United States was Peter Minuit. This opened the doors to foreign real
estate investors. After a couple of centuries later, foreign real estate
investment has grown into huge proportions, accounting for
billion-of-dollar worth of industry.

The low risk attached to US
real estate market, the availability of countless properties, and the
steady market liquidity attract foreign investors in droves. The initial
snag, however, is the process of understanding the legal ramifications
of foreign real estate investment.

What you have to understand is
that foreign investment in the United States can take a lot of forms. A
foreigner has various options. He can acquire direct interest. He can
acquire an interest in the real estate through a partnership, a
corporation, or a limited liability company. The latter is the typical
structure used by foreign investors.

Limited partnership or
Limited Liability Company offers financial protection or indirect asset
protection, especially in cases of bankruptcy, law suits and taxes.
Foreign investors are generally taxed on the property as if they hold
the property in direct interest.

Ideally, you should secure the
services of a real estate accountant to help you out with the tax
ramifications, but it would help if you, at least, know the basics
before you actually talk to an accountant.

There are tax
consequences that you have to deal with when you buy a real estate in
the United States. You would need an Individual Taxpayer
Identification Number which you will use with all your tax transactions.
Your investment in real estates can be treated as a portfolio
investment and will be accounted for as an investment income which can
either be fixed or a periodic income. This is typically taxed at 30% on
gross revenues. This tax though does not apply though to all foreign
investors. Tax rates would vary depending on the tax personality the
foreign investor opted for. For instance, a corporation would be taxed

Other things that you should take note of are
availability and requirements of tax refunds and state tax laws on real
estate properties as they may differ from federal laws, among other

By knowing all these things, you may save yourself from a
lot of hassles when you finally approach a real estate accountant. You’d
be in same wavelength when you finally get down to talking business. It
is, however, very important that you secure the services of an
accountant. You’d have an easier time dealing with the taxes
ramifications. You’d also have assistance ensuring that you comply with
all the accounting aspect of your investment. This is especially true if
you are purchasing a real property for investment purposes.

Do You Need to Secure the Service of a Real Estate Lawyer?

you are considering buying a property in the United States, you need
to secure the services of a real estate attorney – someone who could
help you with the legal issues concerning your purchase. It is tempting
to forego securing the service of a lawyer to save money, but this could
cost you a lot of money in the long run. Make sure that you have an
experienced and trustworthy lawyer to help you out. Make sure that you
have thoroughly checked out his credentials, profile, history of
successful cases handled by him, and other factors that would influence
your decision. You could check online and look for a lawyer working
within the state where you are considering purchasing a property.

Functions of a Real Estate Lawyer

is no actual distinctive function for a lawyer in a real estate case.
However, you would really need the assistance of a lawyer for various
tasks. A real estate lawyer would review the sales contract for you. He
would also check on the title and other documents relating to the
property. A lawyer would also review your mortgage contract and make the
necessary adjustments or corrections. You could also get him to review
with you the legal and tax issues concerning the purchase. A real estate
attorney could also make the necessary adjustments relating to various
expenses and costs involved in the purchase. He would assess your
eligibility for tax refunds and draft the documents and statements
relating to this.

Putting it simply, a real estate lawyer will be
your watchdog. He would guide you through the whole process of
purchasing a real estate in the United States in order to make sure that
you will be legally protected. You will have a capable and trustworthy
liaison to help you out with the contract. He will also face legal
disputes if any arise.

Tips on How to Invest in Real Estate Successfully

if you’ve fully bought into the idea of real estate investing in the
United States, you might just want to know how to go about investing in
real estate successfully. If you want to be successful in this venture,
the first thing that you have to avoid is overanalyzing. Of course, it
is a good idea to carefully think through your actions but it is a bad
idea to overanalyze your investment to nonexistence. You might lose a
great opportunity.

Before you purchase the property though, it
might be wise to check the property value. If it sits well with you and
you can reasonably afford the property, go ahead and make the purchase.

you are considering the property for a quick flip, make sure that the
property is in perfect condition and in good area. This is to ensure
that you could double or actually triple your return of investment. If
you can inspect the property yourself, do so. If not, a good and
trustworthy agent can help you with this task.

Another important
thing to remember when you’re buying real estate is good financing. You
should take your time to carefully consider all your financing options.
Foreign investors can email in their queries to various lending
institutions. It is a good idea to make sure that you’ve had their terms
and rates on paper because they tend to change these terms and charge
you with a lot of junk. Your real estate agent can help you with
reviewing the escrow charges.

The bottom line, however, is that it
is very important that you do your homework before you actually buy a
real property. Investing in real properties in the United States can be
profitable especially during these times. In fact, it may be the wisest
and most perfect investment you can make right now.

The Makati Condo And Precisely How It Aids A Call Centre Agent

The contact center sector is among the most beneficial fields for entry-level pros in the Philippines today. Experts from the community can generate up to P20,000, or the equivalent of US$430. Executives can earn even more, which allow them to acquire a Makati condo very quickly. A lot of these personnel are youthful and spouseless. Makati properties supply many lodging choices for them, and they are scattered all over the city, particularly in the central business district, where their firms are found.

A Makati apartment is considered one of these choices. The best is the studio-type apartment, which can be consisting of basically merely a room with some extra services, such as a spot to eat and prepare food, along with a tiny restroom. This is ideal for people who don’t actually have a long-term target of staying in one particular organization. Apartments provide the mobility and simplicity of transfer that some other Makati properties simply really don’t.

On the other hand, those who desire a more lasting house must contemplate a Makati condo. This really is especially fitted to call centre employees who intend to move up the corporate ladder of their company in the hope of being successful. Those who buy a condo can say that this actually is less expensive than purchasing a property.

Call centre agents need to consider Makati properties, whether it be a condominium or an apartment, considering the ease of living here. Many of these younger professionals work the night shift, and it would be terribly stressful to take a trip at six in the morning from Makati to a place as far as Cavite and then head to work simply a few hours later. A Makati condo allows you to get home and sleep, which these staff badly want.

Convenience is not the solitary reason that a Makati apartment or condo must be the home of preference for these individuals. There is possibly the issue of effortless employment. Considering lots of call centers are placed in Makati, this really is the ideal spot to rent an apartment in Manila, above some other city. Theprospects of being employed by a contact centre here or in a nearby spot are numerous and must be researched by anyman or woman who wants to work in the area. Living in a Makati condo might make this job hunt and the succeeding occupation less difficult.

Another explanation, stated above previously, is the capability to move that these residential alternatives offer. Unfortunately, there is a higher staff turnover level for the call centre industry, and that is why temporary real estate possibilities are most recommended unless a particular person would like to make his profession in this area. A Makati apartment gives this freedom. In addition, transferring to an alternative call centre or another trade is easy, seeing as Makati is the desired spot of business for the largest organizations in the Philippines. Regardless if a Makati condo is picked, it nonetheless shows a fantastic expense if a call centre career won’t work out as initially intended.

Any time you rent an apartment in Manila, you have got numerous options to choose from, but it can be prudent to pick a Makati condo or studio. These lodging prospects are manageable, and you’ll find a lot of options throughout the metropolis which offer you the comfort and security that all kinds of other locations usually do not. Your contact center job can be assisted by selecting one of these simple selections.

New Government Initiatives To Boost Real Estate Sector In India

At the Government level many new policy initiatives have been taken recently to boost the real estate Property in India . These policy decisions will lend a stimulus and impetus to the industry. It is beyond doubt that the new initiatives will unlock the potential of the sector. Also, along with the stimulus package announced by the Government, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has taken a definitive step whereby banks are allowed to devise new schemes beneficial to the property sector.

As part of the Government initiatives to boost real estate boom sector India, RBI has declared concessional schemes for the real estate sector. Such initiatives include:
Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976 (ULCRA) repealed by increasingly larger number of states.
In case of integrated townships, the minimum area to be developed has been brought down to 25 acres from 100 acres.
51 per cent FDI allowed in single-brand retail outlets and 100 per cent in cash-and-carry through the automatic route.
Full repatriation of original investment after three years.
Minimum capital investment for wholly-owned subsidiaries and joint ventures stands at US$ 10 million and US$ 5 million, respectively.
100 per cent FDI allowed in realty projects through the automatic route.

Further, in its endeavour to initiate new policies to boost the real estate sector in India, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, has taken steps to reduce the time taken to develop special economic zones (SEZs) by simplifying the procedures to get the tax-tree industrial enclaves notified. Now developers can easily get their land classified as an SEZ at the outset itself by producing title deeds to prove their ownership. Again, the Government has announced several concessions in the Budget 2008-2009.

New Government initiatives to boost sector of Real Estate India include granting a tax holiday on profits from initiates in the financial year 2007-2008. In order to enjoy this benefit, the housing projects should be of the affordable housing unit type of 1000 to 1500 square feet. Another condition is that such projects should be completed by March 1, 2012. Further, the Finance Ministry has allocated US$ 207 million to grant 1% interest subsidy on home loans up to US$ 20, 691. In order to avail this benefit, the cost of the home should not be above US$41, 382. It is believed that these initiatives will be add further impetus to the real estate sector in the country.

Home Building A Fishing Boat

One of the most popular uses for boats is for fishing. People sometimes look at the bewildering array of available boat types and are confused about what type is most useful for them. Hopefully this article will make you aware of the various types of fishing boats there are so you can do a good job going about picking the best design for you to build in your home workshop.

The first thing you have to decide is what type of water youll be fishing on. A suitable boat for small ponds and backwaters would not necessarily be the best choice for near coastal conditions where bigger seas might sneak up on you. Similarly a river fishing boat capable of handling wild whitewater might be a disappointing performer on larger, open lakes. A boat that will have to do double duty as a fishing and waterfowl hunting boat will be very different from a boat that will be doing double duty as a fishing and water skiing boat. Spend some time identifying the uses of your boat first what kind of water, how fast, how many people these are what will dictate the best type of boat for you to build.

If you primarily intend to fish in rivers, especially smaller, fast moving rivers, youll want a drift boat, that is one that is primarily intended to drift down rivers. There are two types of these, the Western style, sometimes called, McKenzie River drift boats, and Midwestern style drift boats less for canyon shooting in the mountainous West, and more for smaller rivers and streams common throughout the US. The Midwestern style can be rowed much faster and with more control than the Western types intended only for drifting downriver, where the oars are only used for keeping the boat pointed downriver.

If you intend to fish on lakes, bays and protected waters, you have a choice of quite a few designs. If you intend to both row and use moderate power, there are few better choices than a Carolina style dory. These easy-to-build boats get up and plane easily, carry lots of load, are quite stable and yet still may be rowed in a pinch.

If you want to go fast, under primarily engine power, and still plan to mostly fish in wide rivers, lakes, bays, etc., a semi-vee or full vee bottom power boat may be your best choice., These come from smaller two passenger sizes, easily tailored behind a small car, all the way to big, 6 or 8 passenger models that can also handle sea conditions. Another option for this kind of conditions is the Pacific power dory. These highly stable and efficient hulls can outperform commercially made fiberglass models and can be built for a fraction of what a new boat costs.

If youd like a man-powered or small engine boat you can toss in the back of a pickup or on a car roof and head to a stream, lake, bay or bayou, consider one of the ultra-light boats with plans available. They come in various shapes, from prams and dories, to canoes and kayaks. Larger sea-kayaks are suitable for fishing and waterfowl hunting. Using modern materials some of these boats can weigh as little as 40 lbs so can be carried to the water with one hand.

Finally, if you want to use your boat to fish in the ocean, youll be faced with very different conditions than in protected waters so need to look for a boat designed for ocean conditions. Vee bottom Carolina dories, Pacific power dories, and vee bottom center console boats are all suitable for coastal conditions, and also will outperform heavier factory made boats and may be used with smaller, more economical engines.

For offshore conditions, very specialized craft are called for. Grand Banks dories are some of the most seaworthy boats ever designed. Theyll power through any weather, though theyre no speed demons, and can also be sailed. In 1876 (the USAs 100th birthday year) an 18-foot open dory, named the Centennial was used on the first single-handed North Atlantic crossing from New York to England. Other candidates for home built offshore fishing boats include Hawaiian sampans, mullet skiffs, and larger vee bottom Carolina dories. Each has their pluses and minuses, depending on whether speed, economy, or a smooth ride is the more important characteristic.

New Government Initiatives To Boost Real Estate Sector In India

At the Government level many new policy initiatives have been taken recently to boost the real estate Property in India . These policy decisions will lend a stimulus and impetus to the industry. It is beyond doubt that the new initiatives will unlock the potential of the sector. Also, along with the stimulus package announced by the Government, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has taken a definitive step whereby banks are allowed to devise new schemes beneficial to the property sector.

As part of the Government initiatives to boost real estate boom sector India, RBI has declared concessional schemes for the real estate sector. Such initiatives include:
Urban Land (Ceiling and Regulation) Act, 1976 (ULCRA) repealed by increasingly larger number of states.
In case of integrated townships, the minimum area to be developed has been brought down to 25 acres from 100 acres.
51 per cent FDI allowed in single-brand retail outlets and 100 per cent in cash-and-carry through the automatic route.
Full repatriation of original investment after three years.
Minimum capital investment for wholly-owned subsidiaries and joint ventures stands at US$ 10 million and US$ 5 million, respectively.
100 per cent FDI allowed in realty projects through the automatic route.

Further, in its endeavour to initiate new policies to boost the real estate sector in India, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, has taken steps to reduce the time taken to develop special economic zones (SEZs) by simplifying the procedures to get the tax-tree industrial enclaves notified. Now developers can easily get their land classified as an SEZ at the outset itself by producing title deeds to prove their ownership. Again, the Government has announced several concessions in the Budget 2008-2009.

New Government initiatives to boost sector of Real Estate India include granting a tax holiday on profits from initiates in the financial year 2007-2008. In order to enjoy this benefit, the housing projects should be of the affordable housing unit type of 1000 to 1500 square feet. Another condition is that such projects should be completed by March 1, 2012. Further, the Finance Ministry has allocated US$ 207 million to grant 1% interest subsidy on home loans up to US$ 20, 691. In order to avail this benefit, the cost of the home should not be above US$41, 382. It is believed that these initiatives will be add further impetus to the real estate sector in the country.