Learn about Anne Arundel County Real Estate
What gets most people that visit the area is the vast coastline. The country actually boasts over 500 miles of beautiful coastlines, which is adequately premium waterfront real estate, which is in extremely high demand. If that’s not enough, then there are plenty of activities available within the local community for all ages. The most popular include the likes of sports and extreme water sports, all kinds of fishing, crabbing and swimming./p>
For the younger people in the area there are two major skate parks which offer both fun and excitement. For the older people in the area there are over 70 country parks which work well with the nature reserves that are also open to the public on a daily basis. Anne Arundel caters for almost all ages and interests, so it is understandable why it is so popular for both residency and vacation related visits.
The only problem with the area is that if you visit, it is likely that you won’t want to return home. Don’t think this is a place for a -party’ retreat, but instead look at it as a place that embraces the good aspects of life. For instance, most mornings the 13-mile Baltimore and Annapolis Trail is a great place to visit. Here you’ll meet a range of hikers, joggers, bicycle riders and of course horse riders. Bird watchers are also a regular occurrence here. This is mainly due to the fact that there are a huge range of rare birds spotted on a regular basis such as heron, egrets and eagles.
If you are looking at purchasing real estate in the Anne Arundel County, then all of the above will aid the decision. If you are looking to move based on jobs and family based activities, then the following will definitely interest you. The local area is jam packed of action filled days and weekends for children and adults alike. There are camping weekends for youths as well as football and baseball home teams, that have had some decent success over the last couple of years. Of course, every year there is an annual Bay Bridge Walk, which is an experience not to be missed.
On the employment side of things, it is just as positive. Over the last few years the growth of employment in the area as been huge and has been recognised as one of the strongest in the state. On the flip side, the unemployment rate is also one of the lowest compared with surrounding areas. This makes it both a great place to purchase real estate and an extremely stable place to be employed.
Because of the desire to live and visit the area, residential and commercial investors are jumping on the real estate ladder. You’ll see a range of properties that have been developed to an extremely high standard. A lot of the properties that have been redeveloped by real estate professionals are available to rent for vacation rentals or even long term rentals. Quick research on local property sites will see the high demand that the area gets. Property prices are steadily rising and as the local residents develop the area to become even more active, it is likely that property prices will see a sharp rise over the next few years, regardless of the economic downturn.
Thanks to ThomasvileHomes.net, builders of Anne Arundel county homes, for this article. Visit their website for more information on the company.